Initial Diameter Guess using H=19.94 and albedo=0.14 (0.01 to 0.5)
MPC Default
365.14 m
+1001.0 / -172.0
Rotation Period
[Result based on less than full coverage, so that the period may be wrong by 30 percent or so.] REFERENCE LIST:[Pravec, P.; Wolf, M.; Sarounova, L. (2000) http://www.asu.cas.cz/~ppravec/neo.htm], [Pravec, P.; Wolf, M.; Sarounova, L. (2019) http://www.asu.cas.cz/~ppravec/neo.htm], [Warner, B.D.; Stephens, R.D. (2020) Minor Planet Bull. 47, 105-120.]